Jata bhujan gapingala sphuratphanamaniprabha Salutations to Lord Shiva, who is the sporting consort of the daughter of the mountain king (Parvati), In whose mind the universe with all the living beings exist, Whose all-pervading, compassionate glance removes all hardships, Who wears the directions as His apparel. Kvachidigambare manovinodametuvastuni ||3|| Kishora chandrashekhare ratih pratikshanam mama ||2||Īs the rows of waves of the sacred Ganga move through Lord Shiva’s matted hair, it glorifies His Head, The waves of the river flow into the depths of His locks of hair, A brilliant fire burns on the surface of Lord Shiva’s forehead, And the crescent moon is a jewel on His Head.ĭharadharendrana ndinivilasabandhubandhura Jata kata hasambhrama bhramanilimpanirjhari